Become a member

Connecting Businesses and Professionals between Norway and Lithuania

Why become LPO member?

Unlock the Power of Networking!

Connect with like-minded Lithuanian professionals through exclusive LPO and LNCC networking events and workshops, fostering valuable relationships within the community.


Pride of Belonging

Be a part of a closely bonded community that celebrates your Lithuanian heritage, providing a sense of belonging and unity among professionals in Oslo.

Create Impact

Together we create long-lasting initiatives and projects between Norway and Lithuania. Participate in shaping the future through professional and academic collaborations.

LPO- Lithuanian professionals in Oslo

LPO membership rules

LPO- Lithuanian professionals in Oslo

What it means to be a member of LPO

It means only great things to be part of the LPO community, but we also account for that all our members share the following:

● Professionalism
● Networking
● Mentorship
● Integrity
● Engagement


Some practical info

  • The full-year membership lasts from 1st January till the 31st of December.
  • All LPO club members volunteer and contribute by yearly membership fee (collected funds are used for running the club, renting venues, equipment, etc).
  • The plans and budgets to be presented during General LPO Members meetings.
  • Membership fee for the year of 2023 – 1000,- NOK (invoice sent via email). You can call yourself a member after receiving confirmation from LPO Committee and paying for your membership. After that, you will be invited into all our internal and external communication channels.
  • The membership can be withdrawn at any time by sending us a message via email. We just note there is no refund possible.

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